Sumario - Volumen 14, Nº 1, 2019.


Comparison of gender roles in male and female in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) with control group and it’s correlation with severity of clinical symptoms

The effect of education on anxiety and self-efficacy in mothers of 1-3-year-old children under cochlear implant surgery, 2018: a randomized controlled clinical trial

The effect of warming specimens of rapid urease test on its diagnostic accuracy

The prevalence and associated factors of chronic pain in nurses Iran

The relationship between leadership style and time management in senior and middle nursing managers

A study of the consistency between hypertension medications prescribed by general practitioners and 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines for the management of hypertension

Comparison of the effect of compression stockings with heparin and enoxaparin in the prevention of deep vein thrombosis in lower limbs of hysterectomy patients

Differentiated Speech Therapy Massage in a Complex System of Overcoming Dysphagia

Making an entity-relationship model of the knowledge management process with strategic thinking

The comparison between the attitudes of employees and clients towards organizational intelligence (case study: Isfahan General Directorate of Sports and Youth)

A case of breast surgery with da vinci si robotics

Predicting of borderline personality disorder (BPD) based on emotional intelligence, apathy and empathy among the soldiers admitted to a military hospital

The effect of density dependent emigration on spread of infectious diseases: a modelling study

Effective factors on outbreaks of food and water borne diseases in Iran: a trend analysis

Expectations and satisfaction of elderly people with health services provided at a public nursing home in Iran

Correlation between workplace culture, learning and medication errors

Properties of methicillin activity with sensitized methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in presence of human alphalactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells in infected wound healing in diabetes: An animal model study

Investigating the effect of Primrose Capsule (Primula Flower Oil) on cervix preparation and commencement of child delivery pains



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